The project
Current state of knowledge
Reasons for the Action
Complementarity with other research programmes
Objectives and benefits
Potential impact of the Action
Target groups/end users
Scientific programme
WG1 Design and synthesis of raw materials
WG2 Manufacturing and characterization of 3D-porous scaffolds
WG3 Functionalization of implants for improved functional and therapeutic effects
WG4 In vitro evaluation of the performance
Economic Dimension
Dissemination Plan
Management Committee
Member list
Presentation of partners
WG1 Design and synthesis of raw materials
WG2 Manufacturing and characterization of 3D-porous scaffolds
WG3 Functionalization of implants for improved functional and therapeutic effects
WG4 In vitro evaluation of the performance
Training Schools
Training Schools
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Training Schools
NEWGEN MP1301 – Second Training School
"Program - Non living materials meet living biology" - Patras, GREECE - 09-12 May 2017
Trainers and abstracts
General Introduction by Dr. F. Cambier (CRIBC) - Chair of the Action
Evening Lecture by Prof. Th. Karachalios - University of Thessalia : "Current challenges for materials for orthopedic implants"
Day 1 - S. Hocquet and F. Cambier - CRIBC: "Ceramics and glasses for biomedical applications"
Day 1 - M. Attalah - University of Birmingham: "Metals and alloys for orthopedic and dental implants"
Day 1 - E. de Barra - University of Limerick: "Bioactive bone cements - advantages and limitations"
Day 1 - M. Alini - AO Foundation, Davos: "Bone: structure and properties, cell biology, bone physiology"
Day 2 - A. Stamboulis - University of Birmingham: "What is a biointerphase, and its dynamic evolution"
Day 2 - M. Van Griensven - TU Munich: "In vivo experimental procedures"
Day 3 - A. Leriche - LMCPA-UVHC: "Scaffold design, processing, biodegradation & resorption"
Day 3 - S. Gabriele - University of Mons-Hainaut: "Mechanobiology - May the force be with you"
Day 3 - A. Sendemir-Urkmez - Ege University: "Bone tissue engineering, current trends"
Day 3 - R. Luginbuehl - RMS Foundation, Bettlach: "Biocompatibility: definitions, in-vitro tests, standards"
Day 3 - A. Panagopoulos - University of Patras: "Surgical aspects"
NEWGEN MP1301 – First Training School
Presentations of Trainers
Day 1 - E. Kupp - Ceramics : A general overview
Day 1 - MJ. Pascual - Glasses and Ceramics : a general overview
Day 1 - F.J. Monteiro - Bone structure and properties
Day 1 - M. Peroglio - Biological response of cells and tissues to biomaterials
Day 1 - MH. Fernandez - Biocompatibility and in vitro test
Day 2 - C. Piconi - On the history of bioceramics for hip joint replacement
Day 2 - J. Chevalier - The answer of bioceramics to long-term mechanical demands
Day 2 - V. Sergo - Spectroscopic analyses for the characterization of bioceramics
Day 2 - M. Kuntz - Processing : the industry point of view
Day 3 - MP. Ginebra - Calcium phosphate ceramics
Day 3 - S. Hampshire - Bioglasses and glass ceramics
Day 3 - E. De Barra - Biocements
Day 3 - A. Leriche - Processing of bioceramics scaffolds : state of the art and current trends
Day 3 - Y. Missirlis - Tissue engineering : concepts and applications
Day 3 - JW. Hoekstra - Surgical procedures dental and orthopedic implants
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