Dear COST partners

Please see the following information about a conference this year on
Recent advances in nanotechnology, dedicated to biomaterials and nanomedicine.
This conference intends to initiate international projects between European laboratories and those in the basin of the Americas, including United States, Canada and the emerging countries (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina).

Second announcement CIEC 15, Lyon, 5-7 September 2016

Dear COST Partners,
Please find hereafter, the announcement from Prof. Jérôme Chevalier, for CIEC 15, in Lyon, next September 5th to 7th, 2016.

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the International and local organizing Committees of CIEC15, I would like to invite you to present a contribution to the Fifteenth European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics – CIEC 15, that will take place in Lyon – Villeurbanne, 5-7 September 2016. Attached you’ll find the announcement for the Call of Papers.

Since 1988, CIEC conferences have been organised periodically by researchers of several European Regions (Baden-Württenberg, Catalunya, Canton de Vaud , Hainaut, Rhône Alpes, Wales, Lombardia and Piemonte). This European Conference on Ceramics Materials will cover all the scientific aspects concerning ceramics as well as processing, structural characterization, properties and industrial applications of monolithic ceramics, ceramic composites, glass and ceramic coatings. This conference promotes particularly participation of young researchers and supports initiatives of networking and European projects. This conference is opened to all the European ceramic scientists.

Thanks to the JECS Trust ( and the support of our institutions, we are glad to offer very attractive registration conditions, especially for Young Researchers (100 € registration fee, all inclusive, student speech and poster contest)

You can visit the congress website following the link :
Deadline for abstract submission : 29 February 2016

Looking forward to seeing you in Lyon !
Best regards.

Jérôme Chevalier, on behalf of the organizing committee

Flyer :
CIEC 15 flyer Second call – February 2016-300dpi