NEWGEN MP1301 – Second Training School – “Non living materials meet living biology”

Dear NEWGEN partners,

The Training School “Non Living Materials meet living Biology” will take place from Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May 2017 at Airotel Achaia Beach in Patras, Greece. It will be organised in the framework of the COST action MP1301 NEWGEN and with the support of the JECS Trust.

Topics such as Bone structure and properties, cell biology, bone physiology; Biocompatibility; Biointerphase; Processing of materials and final surface characteristics; Scaffold design, processing, biodegradation/resorption; Mechanobiology; Bone Tissue Engineering; In vivo experimental procedures and Surgical aspects  will be discussed.

The school will propose lectures given by internationally recognized experts and a Poster Contest will be organized: all students are encouraged to participate by presenting a poster of their research/thesis.

Limited to 50 students!
COST MP1301 NEWGEN will reimburse a fix grant of 300 € to 40 participants,
members of the project.

Further information and registration:

  1. on our NEWGEN website – section “Training Schools” ( ‎)
  2. on the ECerS website (registration) : Second Training School on ECerS website