4th Call for STSMs (2016)

Dear NEWGEN partners,

I am pleased to announce the 4th call for STSMs in the framework of our COST Action NEWGEN (MP1301)!!

All needful information can be found on the dedicated webpage of our website (see http://www.cost-newgen.org/events/stsm/).

Deadline for applications : January 6th, 2016

Deadline for completion of your STSM : April 30th, 2016


A second call will be launched later in 2016.


Hope to see all of you in our next activities in 2016!







Ceramic and Glass Materials for Implants, Medical Devices and Tissue Engineering


July 28-31, 2016, Rosemont Hyatt, Chicago, IL

•         Orthopedic application
•         Dental and maxillofacial applications
•         Material needs medical devices
•         Advanced manufacturing technologies
•         Power Sources, energy harvesting, power transmission and telemetry
•         Implantable and wearable sensors


Track 1: Orthopedic application – Where are we? Where do we need to go?

Bioceramics are currently applied in high volume orthopedic applications such as bearing couples for total joint replacement, because of their high wear and scratch resistance coupled with high biocompatibility. The ceramic articulations have also shown to be a safe and proven technology. However, there is substantial room for improvement to reach their full potential and being introduced in other fields of orthopedics. Nevertheless, the design and engineering of these materials are already in progress with a focus on obtaining optimized properties which better respond to external, biologically compatible stimuli (physical, chemical, biological). Reaching this goal depends heavily on interdisciplinary contributions from material science, chemistry, physics, biology and medicine, which depend on mutually beneficial scientific exchange. The session is aimed to address the key challenges using a comprehensive approach that will embrace both bioinert and bioactive ceramics and will focus on the effect of biodegradation, engineering of material surfaces to promote osteointegration and osteosynthesis as well as mitigating bacteria biofilm formation. 

The topics of the session are:

·        New materials and bioinspired structures 
Surface modification for better cell-material interaction 
Bacteria anti-adhesion strategies 
Novel ceramic applications in orthopedics 
Clinical outcomes of bioceramics 
Mechanical properties of advanced bioceramics

Track Chair: Alessandro Alan Porporati, CeramTec GmbH, Plochingen, Germany

RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting – Birmingham (UK) – January, 7 and 8 2016

Dear COST partners,

The RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group organises a meeting next January, 7 and 8 (2016).

Please find further information by visiting their website : http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/19888/RSC%20Biomaterials%20Chemistry%20Meeting

Best regards


9th Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials conference

Dear COST partners,

Dr. Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson (Óli) would like to promote the 9th Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials conference that will be held in the exotic city of Reykjavik 01.06.-03.06.2016

The registration for the SCSB 2016 conference in now open
TERMIS (www.termis.org)  will endorse the conference so it should appear on their website and on their newsletter
Spread the word and sign up sooner then later…max 120 participants

Speakers include Professor Donald Ingber from the Wyss institute at Harvard, Professor Ivan Martin from Basel and Professor Jöns Hilborn from Uppsala

Further information : http://scsb.snappages.com/reykjavik-2016.htm or see the attached media to this post: SCSB June 2016


Best regards.

Biomaterials 2016

The Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials will be held during March 14-16 2016 in London, UK. The conference intends to ground experts from various studies on Biomaterials, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to put forth the holistic scientific approach to validate the existing and develop novel biomaterials for better applicability.
Website Link: http://biomaterials.conferenceseries.com/
Biomaterials 2016 emphasizes on the following topics:

·         Advanced Biomaterials

·         Polymer Biomaterials

·         Dental Biomaterials

·         Properties of Biomaterials

·         Biomaterials Applications

·         Biomaterials Companies and Market Analysis

·         Biomaterials and Nanotechnology

·         Biomaterials Engineering

·         Biomaterials: Key Components

·         Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

·         Use in Therapeutic and Investigative Delivery

·         Biomaterials in Delivery Systems

·         Biomaterials in Biological Engineering

·         Biodegradable Biomaterials

·         Utility Based Biomaterials

·         Scientific Recital of Biomaterials

·         3D Printing of Biomaterials

Contact :
Vivian Elizabeth
Biomaterials 2016

Material Science Conferences

Workshop in SOFIA (BG) – October 13th and 14th, 2015

Report from Dr. A. Daskalova :

The Workshop COST MP1301: New generation biomimetic and customized implants for bone engineering, Biomaterials (design, processing, characterization, modelling) and applications to regenerative medicine, 13–14 October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, was organized by the Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The workshop was focused on three main topics:

  • Light –induced Micro-Nano Surface processing and Modification of biomaterials
  • New trends in design and development of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering.
  • Functionalization of biomaterials

The workshop was organised in five sessions that focused on different aspects of design, synthesis, modification, research and applications of different types of biomaterials in bone tissue engineering, each introduced by oral presentations.

The purpose of the workshop was to bring together a variety of people working in the field of regenerative medicine.

The workshop was attended by 63 participants from 21 countries. The participants were invited from research, clinical institutions and industry.

The first day was dedicated to the first two topics, where the presenters from Industry have pointed out the newest trends in generation of bio-scaffolds. Different methods for synthesis, manufacturing and printing of the biomaterials were outlined. An emphasis was put on utilization of different type of biomaterials for bone tissue engineering.

The second day proceeded with presentations from clinicians and research and at the end of the day STSM presentations have shown the recent collaborations performed in the frame of COST Action MP1301 NEWGEN. Plans for the future meeting organisation and location were discussed.


Workshop in Sofia (BG) – October 13th and 14th, 2015

Dear COST partners,


Our next activity in the framework of our COST Action NEWGEN will be held at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Main Hall, ” 15th November” №1 str., Sofia 1040 (BG) next October 13th and 14th, 2015.


Suggested topics include:

  • Light–induced Micro-Nano Surface processing and Modification of biomaterials
  • New trends in design and development of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
  • Functionalization of biomaterials


The first day and the second day morning will be dedicated to oral presentations. WG meetings will be held during the afternoon of the second day.

The program of the three sessions will be communicated later.


We would like to invite you to propose title for oral presentations within these three sessions. People interested to give a talk are invited to communicate the title both to Dr. Albena Daskalova and Dr. Stéphane Hocquet (priority will be given to Industrials, people from Medical groups and ECI partners, as well as representatives from targeted international policy countries).


The participation to the meeting is free of charge. Following its  budget plan for 2015, COST Action NEWGEN has the opportunity to reimburse at least 40 partners for their travel and accommodation. As usual, the selected people (selection in charge of the WG Leaders) will receive a mail from our Grant Holder Manager. People confirmed to perform an oral presentation will be selected in priority to be reimbursed by COST Action NEWGEN.

A meeting dinner is planned on October 13th at 19h30 (to be paid by participants).

If you (or one of your colleague from your institution) want to participate (with or without oral presentation), please send a mail to Dr. Albena Daskalova (albdaskalova@gmail.com) or Dr. Stéphane Hocquet (s.hocquet@bcrc.be)

Hope to see you soon in Sofia!

2nd Call for Short Term Scientific (STSM) Applications

COST Action MP1301 – NEWGEN invites Researchers from Participating COST Countries to submit applications for the 2nd call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) Applications for missions occurring between April 15th 2015 to November 30th 2015. Please see the full call for STSM Applications in the document to be downloaded on http://www.cost-newgen.org/events/stsm

 Purpose of a STSM

STSM are aimed at strengthening existing networks and fostering collaborations by allowing Researchers participating in a given COST Action to visit an institution / Organisation in another Participating COST Country / an approved NNC institution or an approved IPC institution. A STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, whilst at the same time allowing those partaking in the missions to learn new techniques, gain access to specific data, instruments and / or methods not available in their own institutions / organisations.

 Deadline for applications to be submitted: 20 / 03 / 2015

 Notification of application outcome: 01 / 04 / 2015

 Period of STSM: between 15 / 04 / 2015 and 30 / 11 / 2015

 All STSM activities must occur in their entirety within the period specified above.

 Contact person:

Stéphae HOCQUET.


4, Avenue Gouverneur Cornez

B-7000 Mons (Belgium)

Tel : +32 65 40 34 78



 For COST STSM funding rules – see Section 7 of the COST H2020 Vademecum See: http://www.cost.eu/participate/guidelines »

ECERS 2015 – Toledo – June 21-25, 2015


REDEOR – Venice – March 25-27, 2015

Unified Scientific Approaches towards Regenerative Orthopaedics and Dentistry

Programme: http://alisf1.univpm.it/redeor/index.php?page=programme