Masterclass Cell-Based Bone Regeneration – October 30, 2015

In view of a last year obtained grant on cell-based bone regeneration, Dr. J. Van den Beucken is  organising a masterclass on Friday October 30, 2015 on this topic with several renowned speakers with a background in the different areas (e.g. cell biology, cell-cell interactions, osteogenic/chondrogenic differentiation, and translational research toward the clinic) related to this field:

Prof. Richard Oreffo (University of Southampton, UK)

New strategies for bone repair – harnessing skeletal stem cells and environmental niches through to the clinic

Prof. Sabine Fuchs (Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, DE)
Outgrowth endothelial cells  for bone vascularization strategies:  from cellular interactions to biomaterial applications

Prof. Ivan Martin (University Hospital of Basel, CH)
Evolution of bone tissue engineering strategies

Prof. Pierre Layrolle (University of Nantes, FR)
The REBORNE project – Regenerating bone defects using new biomedical engineering approaches

Registration fee: 50 euro (including lunch, drinks & snacks). Maximum number of attendants: 35.

(additional information: