9th Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials conference
Dear COST partners,
Dr. Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson (Óli) would like to promote the 9th Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials conference that will be held in the exotic city of Reykjavik 01.06.-03.06.2016
The registration for the SCSB 2016 conference in now open
TERMIS (www.termis.org) will endorse the conference so it should appear on their website and on their newsletter
Spread the word and sign up sooner then later…max 120 participants
Speakers include Professor Donald Ingber from the Wyss institute at Harvard, Professor Ivan Martin from Basel and Professor Jöns Hilborn from Uppsala
Further information : http://scsb.snappages.com/reykjavik-2016.htm or see the attached media to this post: SCSB June 2016
Best regards.